here in north Carolina it is possible to install solar on your house and have your payment for the solar be less than your payment on your electric bill with the right conditions of coarse. like a large roof with a southern face and no trees to block the sun that is the best for getting the most bang from your buck. so for example say your electric bill is 400.00 a month and we install solar on your house and eliminate your electric bill your payment may be 300.00 a month for the solar thus mating you 100.00 a month. this is just an example a true estimate will have to be done to determine the savings and your financing options.
some electrical panels are known to be fire hazards like federal pacific panels. Some are old and in need of repair or replace call for a free estimate
we have years of experience with repair work and replacement of your homes lights, fans, and receptacles. If something is not working give us a call with our experience we can fix if it.
we can offer new installs for portable generators whether it is 30 amp or 50 amp, and we offer hole house generator install with automatic transfer switch so you don't have to go out in the storm and fire up your generator.